In the forecast in this month of January I received a channeled transmission in written form. Most of which they talked about the light, not even realizing we are entering the year of The Hermit with his lantern shown bright. It is also, a numerological 9 year calling for you to close out what lingers, conquer your inner demons, and forgive all that requires forgiveness in order to ascend into the 1 and start fresh again. The 9 might not feel the most comfortable as it forces us to reckon with the deepest parts of our healing and get things in order once and for all. However, if you plan for this new embarkment knowing this is your year to really focus on yourself, prioritizing your deepest wounds, and the goals and desires you want to achieve once in for all then you are already set on the path towards reward. The Hermit helps us shine a light, in the silence of your own deep internal well within. This year will require a deep focus on anchoring our internal light as the world keep turning and the chaos keeps swirling around us. How will you anchor your deep spiritual being? By doing this spiritual healing work, you empower yourself and when you empower yourself you empower others. You shine, you radiate your light outward because it becomes your friend and you will never relinquish that power to external forces again. I will leave you with some deep contemplation and journaling thoughts:
-How can I find empowerment this year, instead of being rocked by what is going on around me?
-How can I live my life to the truest authentic form of self?
-What have I been avoiding that needs my attention, and where is my deepest wound?
-How can I listen to my intuition, and create practices to inform what it is telling me?
-What health practices can I step into to create a strong body?
-How can I create a community of healing or group that sees me in whatever form that takes, be it a hobby, a therapy group, a psychic practice meet up, a tarot or new moon group etc.?
Tie up loose ends
Take a trip
Get divorced
Sell a house
Rid yourself of habits and limitations
Broaden your outlook and your connections
Heal, teach, share
Listen to your intuition
Let go of the old, quit the job you hate, start the project you have been dreaming of, work on mending fences, forgive don’t forget
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